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Dinesh Tractors Director's Message

- Saurav Hamal


For quite some time now, the idea of moving into the agro-based sector was floating around in the group, mainly because of two reasons. Firstly, a significant portion of our country’s occupations is agro-related and we were hoping to work with and improve the standards of this sector. Now, we have finally found a way to achieve this objective. We are delighted to announce to you the latest addition to our group- Dinesh Tractors.

This division will be dealing in the sales, spares parts and services of SAME Tractors in the Far-Western and Mid-Western regions of Nepal. The tractors are manufactured and assembled in SAME Deutz-Fahr India, and the standards are of international trade levels. We are really confident in the standards of our products and would like to assure everyone that these tractors will be suitable and very useful in the Nepalese terrain.

It took a lot of effort to come to this stage and we would like to thank everyone involved in this process. Finally, we hope that our partners, SAME Deutz-Fahr India, and us work in collaboration to help change the way we farm.

Saurav Hamal

Director (Dinesh Tractors)