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message fromExecutive chairman

“It is the people that run the company and not the company that runs the people.”


Diversification and Tradition

Dinesh started in Thursday 2nd April 1987, a time when the Far-West was just an undeveloped region with no basic infrastructure. It was limited in food, power supply and road infrastructure which led the majority of the population to farming. The nearness to the national border meant that our supplies came from India, which led to our isolation from the rest of the country, including Kathmandu. However, these barriers to business actually motivated us to work harder for the bettering of this region, and partly because of the challenging nature. So, I hope that we, all the people and the parties involved, will trade and compete, but also remember that there is always a greater cause to work for.

Over the years, we have added various types of businesses in our organisation and each step taken has helped us create a well managed company and ultimately it was known as “Dinesh Group”.

Currently, the group is diversified into trading and manufacturing of various products such as automobiles, farming, electronics, computers, paints and DIY and also furnitures in Far-West and Mid-Western regions of Nepal. For the future, there are numerous projects in the pipeline which will involve the hospitality sector and agro-based sectors.

As everyone knows, the market is becoming bigger but more competitive with each passing year. We have new businesses coming up and the existing ones are only getting stronger, which is exactly what is needed for the economy to develop. However, amidst all this, we are making sure that our practices and strategies are benefiting everyone here at Dinesh, because it is the people that run the company and not the company that runs the people.

I must say, all my employees are contributing a lot towards this organisation which creates a healthy working atmosphere, where each individual has an equal opportunity to reach the higher levels in the company through hard-work and dedication. And this is, ultimately, the underlying reason to the success of Dinesh- the commitment of the people involved in the business.

As I have mentioned before, giving back to society has also been a core principle from the very beginning and for this purpose, we have established the Dinesh Foundation. Under this unit, we constantly take part in public welfare activities and do as much as we can to make our society a better place to live in.

Would like bid farewell to you by wishing you for a happy and successful new year 2017.

Shyam Hamal

Executive Chairman (Dinesh Group)